What is Friendkit?
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So what is Friendkit?

Friendkit is a collection of tools and resources to support people to make and keep friends.

Simple right? Well actually, no. People with learning disabilities and autism have told us they can find making friends and keeping friends very hard.

So, we asked them what would help and that is what Friendkit is all about.

The way that we help is by using our knowledge (stuff we’ve learned), experience (stuff we’ve done) and resources (stuff we’ve made), to set friendship goals and overcome barriers to getting out and about with friends.

Currently our website is being built by some really, really clever people.

So, over the coming months, we are getting Friendkit ready to help loads and loads of different people have some tools and resources to help them make and keep friendships, so keep your eyes peeled.

For more information download our Welcome Pack here or if you would like to have a chat with any of us here at Friendkit, contact:

0191 231 4327

And don't worry,
we're a friendly bunch!